Sunny Side UP

Egg 1

When people ask me how I am, I have one resounding response, “I woke up today so everything else is gravy” or some variation, but always start with “I woke up today.” Sometimes they’ll look at me perplexed and ask what do I mean. I explain that I mean it as simply as it is stated, I literally woke up and got to take a breath of air in my lungs. Some people don’t get to do that. They don’t get to wake up and experience this beautiful thing called life again. My heart thinks of those people and am grateful for the air in my lungs. I get to experience life, again! What an amazing gift!! I get to talk to my loved ones, see my dog chase his tail and try to eat his back leg for the one zillionth time and still laugh my head off, and I get to take another stab at this thing called life. I’ll make mistakes today, I do every day and that’s 1000% ok. Mistakes are added to life’s charm bracelet, there’s a story and a learning from every single one.

Having a simple perspective in life really alleviates a lot of perceived stressors. When you can reframe your mind into a constant state of positivity, it breeds inner happiness which is passed on to others. It’s not an intentional “I have to make others happy” but rather want it to be a natural contagion like a yawn – bet you just did yawn now, or now – where everyone catches the happy.

One of my favorite bands, Coldplay, has a lyric that just sticks to me like glue: “I know the sun must set to rise.” For some reason to me, life’s simple mantra is wrapped up like a pretty little package in that lyric. Basically, whatever is bright and happy must end, but it will always come again. A lot of people would look at this as a sad lyric and interpret it to be negative, yet it is so not. What lyrics resonate with you as a little mantra?

I’ve finished cooking my breakfast and the day is already off to a heart-spotting start – just look at what my egg did when I dropped it in the skillet! It’s a lovely little bit of sunny-side up love. I hope yours is off to a wonderful start with people you care about, a smile on your face, a cup of hot beverage, and you’re out the door to take over the world!


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